How to Read Research Articles for Free

Science of the people, for the people

Scientists were using this secret for more than 10 years!

And now you will learn how to read Science Articles For Free

This post will be a bit controversial, but it’s something I must tell you, because I want you to be able to read the original sources, rather than popular articles that often completely distort the findings.

Among scientists, this is not a secret, and this is how it’s done all across the globe since 2011.

The search for scientific articles starts from Scholar.Google (not from “regular”):

Scientific articles for Parkinson's

The search works just like any other Google Search, meaning that if you want to get the exact phrase, you need to use “this format” (example: “molecular biophysics”):

I usually start without defined time (to read legacy papers first), followed by limiting the results to those published since 2000, 2010 and 2020 so I can see what are the latest research articles.

If you want to read something comprehensive, add the word: review (example: parkinson’s review)

For as long as you see [pdf] by the scientific article, it means that you can download the paper for free.

Otherwise, you will be able to read only Abstract section, as in this example:

New Scientific Article about Parkinsons

At this point, you have 3 options:

  • to go to some university library (morally correct answer),
  • to pay 20-50 dollars for a single article (please don’t…)
  • or to politely ask the authors to send you the paper (20% chance)

Or – you can download it from Sci-Hub

In order to download the paper, you will need to find DOI number (just press Ctrl + F, “doi”).

This is where you should say thank you to Alexandra Elbakyan who founded Sci-Hub

Paste DOI number:

How to use Sci-Hub

And that’s it – have fun!

The Entire Human Knowledge is available to you *(except for very latest scientific articles, published in the past 3 months)

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Research Article about Parkinson's disease

Due to “reasons”, this blog post must be continued, in order to make it long enough for search engines.

This is why you cannot find simple recipes anymore without reading three pages long story about imaginary grandma.

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