Graphic design internship remote, at Maecenium

Science of the people, for the people

Opportunity to express your creativity

Remote graphic design internship

Dear Young and Gifted people, although recent progress in AI image generation allows utterly untalented people (like myself) to create a simulacrum of good design, we absolutely understand our lack of skills.

This is an opportunity for you to make wonderful designs that will be seen by thousands of people, some of which could become your Maecenas – who knows, before you try.

The overall style of Maecenium is to use purple, blue and green colors to distinguish between Maecenas, Scientists and Supporters. Currently, all the images are AI generated.

As hobby photographers, we can see that despite a stunning quality-to-time ratio that can be achieved using AI image generators, those are still not sophisticated enough to simulate adequate aesthetics and mathematical rules of harmony.

If you are interested in doing your graphic design internship remote – you are more than welcomed. Once your internship is finished, you will obtain letter of recommendation and your personal blog or website will be linked to Maecenium’s website, consequently making it stronger by providing backlinks.

Graphic design internship remote, at Maecenium

Join Maecenium today!


Embark on the journey of scientific Renaissance, where the convergence of curiosity, wisdom and innovation ignites a profound transformation in our understanding of the Universe.

The First Call for Scientific Grants is Open!

Deadline for submissions: 06.06.2024.

Choose your role for our New Renaissance Mission


Maecenas, Patron of Science, provides funding and conveys the idea to Scientists

Renaissance Scientist at Maecenium

Scientist, presenting own idea to Maecenas, or providing the solution to Maecenas’ problem.

Renaissance Supporter of Science, at Maecenium

Supporter, spreads the word about the mission, and provides inspiration for Scientists

How to donate and support science

You can choose one time donation, or recurring, monthly donations

Or you can support us by buying something on Amazon or eBay, and we will get affiliate earnings.

Simply follow the link, and buy anything you wish.